Phlox divaricata
Commonly called woodland phlox, is a spreading, native wildflower which forms mats of foliage with stems typically reaching 12-15″ tall. As the common name suggests, this is a woodland species which occurs in rich woods, fields and along streams. Loose clusters of slightly fragrant, tubular, lilac to rose to blue flowers (to 1.5″ wide) with five, flat, notched, petal-like lobes that appear at the stem tips in spring. Stems are both hairy and sticky. Lance-shaped to elliptic leaves (to 2″ long). Can form large colonies over time as leafy shoots spread along the ground rooting at the nodes.

Aquilegia canadensis
Shade-loving perennial with attractive foliage and eye-catching blooms
Attracts hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, and hawk moths. Seeds consumed by finches and buntings.

Aesculus pavia
Shade-loving perennial with attractive foliage and eye-c
Also know as firecracker or red buckeye. Planted as a handsome ornamental for the showy red flowers, suggesting firecrackers and really interesting leaf texture.
Flowers open as the hummingbirds migrate to the piedmont. A favorite of the bees. Nuts consumed by squirrels.