Month: May 2022

Native Alternatives to Pesky Invasive Plants

We’ve all seen it, whether we’ve taken notice of it or not: a shrub that lines the front of suburban homes, almost any fast food drive-thru, and is desired for its evergreen nature and variegated foliage. The thing is, the landscaping appeal of this shrub can be accomplished with native species.  Nandina domesitca- commonly known […] Continue reading "Native Alternatives to Pesky Invasive Plants"


Join us in celebrating 2022 National Pollinator Week! June 26th from 10-2 in Decatur Georgia. Click on the link for detailed information! Bee there or Bee square! Continue reading "Beecatur"

Native Plant Spotlight: Jack in the Pulpit (Arisaema sp.)

Part of the Georgia Piedmont Wild Ones Chapter’s mission is to shine a spotlight on Georgia’s unique and beautiful native plants. Today, we are going to dive into the natural history and ecology of Jack in the Pulpit, a very special plant that is reaching full bloom this time of year.  Jack in the Pulpits […] Continue reading "Native Plant Spotlight: Jack in the Pulpit (Arisaema sp.)"

A Physiographic Basis for Gardening Zones

For gardeners trying to decide what plants to utilize, the first thing they usually look to is the gardening zone they are in. Generally speaking, the basis for the traditional gardening zones is the temperature range of the delineated area – this is fine for a traditional garden setting, but doesn’t quite work when you […] Continue reading "A Physiographic Basis for Gardening Zones"